
Outrageous Outrage of the Day!

Renaissance_Man5/13/2010 11:56:55 am PDT

I am sort of curious as to why FOX Nation and Conservative blogs actually bother using real quotes to create Outrages any more. I wonder if it gives it a ring of legitimacy, to use something that was actually said or an event that actually happened as a very loose basis for the Red Fact that is then created out of it.

Consider this example. The Outrage is over a statement that says the exact opposite of what they say it says. Anyone with an eighth grade reading skill and no preconceived emotional response can see that. Fortunately, the article is written for those with preconceived emotional responses, so they can say Black is White and none of the target audience is any the wiser.

Which leads me to wonder why they bother using actual statements and events as the basis for their conjured reality at all any more. I mean, they could have said, ‘In a 1993 brief, Elena Kagan stated that ‘America will only be perfected when all white conservative babies are murdered in the womb, as the UN decrees.’ Their article would be no less accurate. The Red Facts would be equally untrue. Their readers would be even angrier, and thus have a stronger emotional response. And it would be equally impossible to disprove, since their followers are incapable of seeing facts due to their emotional response.

Sure, there’d be interviews with some journalists where a FOX follower said something like, ‘Don’t you know the truth? The woman stated that she wants to murder babies!’ The journalist would look startled, and say something like, ‘Um, no she didn’t.’ The response from all the blogs and ‘news’ articles would be to quote themselves where they show that she did. And their followers would consider that proof, since it’s a KnownFact that the MSM is lying to promote the socialist agenda.