
Instapundit Says: The Solution Is More Guns, Fewer Gun-Free Zones

Renaissance_Man12/14/2012 8:48:55 pm PST

re: #130 Amory Blaine

We seriously need better mental health priorities.

Screw the ‘mental health’ argument.

It’s complete twaddle.

No nation on earth does a good job of handling the mentally ill. It’s a difficult aspect of medicine, with no good treatments, and humans react to it negatively the world over. Crazy people are handled badly and treated worse all over the world.

The difference is, here in the US, your mentally ill are heavily armed. And when one of them kills a bunch of people, even kids, you wring your hands about it for a few days and then move on, ignoring the issue and dumping it in the too hard basket. And then tut-tut about ‘politics’ if anyone dares to mention the Holy Firearm, because heaven forbid we talk about the sacred guns in the aftermath of the shooting of the week. Only motherhood statements about your prayers being with the families and mourning as a nation are allowed, because they don’t offend the Church of the Gun.

And now, motherhood statements about ‘mental health’ are de rigueur too. Like somehow, if only we can do what has never happened in human history and adequately care for and heal the mentally ill, then it’ll be totally okay for people to cuddle their guns to sleep and your fellow citizens won’t be massacred at unconscionable rates.

Well, fuck that.