
The Atlantic Fires Right Wing Writer Kevin Williamson, Who Wants Women Who Have Abortions to Be Executed

lawhawk4/05/2018 1:29:55 pm PDT

re: #8 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

Trump can’t follow a script.
Trump can’t pay attention to more than a paragraph because he loses interest.
Trump can’t and wont follow direction, even if it’s meant to help get him through an appearance and stay on message.

Every week is Infrastructure Week.

Oh wait, we return to our regularly scheduled chaos.

Trump can’t follow what his own handlers prepared for him.
Trump thinks he knows better than everyone else in the room.

Trump knows his supporters will buy everything he sells because they’re just as misinformed and ignorant as he is. The GOP is following along because they’re just as screwed up as they are.