
Key Section of Voting Rights Act Struck Down by SCOTUS

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)6/25/2013 10:39:56 am PDT

re: #14 A Mom Anon

What will the effect of this be now that the SC has overturned just this one part of the VRA? Does it open the door to declare the whole law unconstitutional? I wish I understood all this better, but I honestly don’t. Why did they even mess with it in the first place?

They’ve essentially gutted it in a nicely hidden fashion.

If there is no formula for who to enforce Section 5 on then preclearance is dead. Once that is going then a state can pass suppressive voter laws and there is no recourse to stop them until *after* the election for the most part.

Then for the next election they just change the suppression approach and repeat.