
Death and The Anti-Vaxxer

Teukka1/31/2015 8:56:55 pm PST

I can’t upding this enough.

I’m one of those who partly rely on herd immunity because I am on medications which suppress my immune system (Methotrexate, if you want to know) to deal with an autoimmune disease (Psoriasis).
While I can take some vaccines, what’s called attenuated vaccines are out of the question for me.
Also, if I get something that makes me develop a fever, I have to immediately cease the Methotrexate regime, because if I don’t, it can have serious complications.
And if I do that, the Psoriasis will come back with a vengeance. I have not so pretty scars on my legs from the initial bout which prompted my doctor to put me on Methotrexate in the first place. Not a severe case thankfully, but widespread.
And an active Psoriasis has its own set of problems, such as secondary infections (basically, when the plaque areas get infected by bacteria).
And don’t make get me started on psoriatic arthritis, tendinitis and the other auto-immune diseases which tend to like to hang out with Psoriasis
(long story short: “you should use a dandruff shampoo” comments, looks I get when I wear something that doesn’t cover my legs or arms are the least of my worries).
And people are willing to risk exposing me to this to avoid a risk of serious side-effects which is far minor than the risks which prompted the vaccination programs in the first place. Before they were in place, Mumps, Whooping Cough, Rubella, Chicken Pox and Measles were child-killers in the most literal sense. And not even state of the art healthcare will be able to prevent those deaths, it’s simply the course the infection takes in some individuals.

And hoping I won’t violate some unwritten rule or offend peoples linguistical sensibilities (too much), this one goes out to all antivaxxers: