
Atlantic Senior Editor Yoni Appelbaum: It's Time to Impeach Trump [VIDEO]

piratedan1/17/2019 5:51:11 pm PST

tbf, I have no problem with the article or the idea behind it, what I kind of have an issue with is that the Dems must do this immediately or else they’re just as bad as the GOP for ignoring the problem without any nod or recognition of just how an immediate response of impeachment will be played out in the media (as in I fully expect the media to equate this as being personal about Trump versus all of the illegal shit he’s already pulled). I fully believe that the Dems will indeed offer articles of impeachment (its not as if they’re lacking any ammunition) but I also understand that they want the government to be back in business first because as much as we need to have Trump impeached (as well as members of his administration), Congress also needs to have the government up and running for the good of the country, and that needs to be addressed first (imho).