
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Assonauts

A Three Hour Tour6/20/2019 7:00:35 pm PDT

I had a thought while discreetly observing someoneā€™s Twitter timeline full of angry drunken resentful subtweets and airing of Festivus grievances, climate change minimizing, hatred of leftists and liberals, disdain for whiny millennials, contrarian ā€œrace realisticā€ hot takes on ā€œintegration destroying African-American communities,ā€ and high dudgeon over people daring to compare ICE and CBP to the Gestapo, or Trump to Hitler, or to utter the words ā€œconcentration campsā€ to refer to the obscene facilities on our border.

Itā€™s not necessarily a particularly profound thought, but it struck me nonetheless.

The attitude of ā€œIā€™ve got mine, so fuck youā€ has perhaps a much more dangerous fellow traveller, and that is, ā€œI got screwed over, so screw everybody else.ā€ < ā€”-THAT is poor white working class resentment in a nutshell.