
Israeli Pundit Suggests 'A Modest Proposal' for Reducing the Haredi Population

shutdown5/09/2012 11:49:57 am PDT

Reiterating, again, my points:
a) I am not supporting London
b) Alouette still refuses to state her interpretation of London’s comments in concrete terms.

Nowhere do I say “throw them all off welfare”. I refer to a reduction of various subsidies along with attempts to partially mainstream Haredim socially. I specifically state that there need be no attempt to attack Haredi religious principles; rather, I question whether it is right for the rest of Israeli society to continue to fund them, to its own detriment.

Radicalizing my statements - changing my position from “reduction of subsidies” to “throw them off welfare”, while refusing to acknowledge your own allusions in your initial post and subsequent responses precludes proper discussion. Please explain:

but his words do conjure up images from history as to how similar objectives of shrinking a population were carried out in the past.

I would be delighted to hear that you were not obliquely drawing on Holocaust or pogrom imagery.