
His Quest to Unseal Michael Brown's Juvenile Records Thwarted, Chuck C. Johnson Goes Psycho

sagehen9/09/2014 9:35:18 pm PDT

GOPer Doubles Down On Excessive Black Voting Complaint: I Prefer ‘Educated Voters’

The Georgia state senator who ranted about excessive black voting and vowed to fight a move to expand early voting in DeKalb County defended his remarks on Facebook, saying that he would rather have more educated voters than an increase in the total number of voters.

“I do agree with Galloway and I never claimed to be nonpartisan,” Millar wrote. “I would prefer more educated voters than a greater increase in the number of voters. If you don’t believe this is an efort [sic] to maximize Democratic votes pure and simple, then you are not a realist. This is a partisan stunt and I hope it can be stopped. Furthermore I don’t control where people are allowed to vote but am glad Brookhaven has been added for the last week.”

That rebranding is going well…