
Scalia Update: He Died at a Meeting of a Secret Religious Society of Hunters

lawhawk2/25/2016 7:22:46 am PST

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. The right wing continues their baffling BS and the rubes continue buying it - that the GOP is simply doing what the Democrats did previously with GOP Supreme Court nominees during election years.

This, in a word, is a lie.

Democrats may have indicated their opposition, but ultimately not only allowed hearings on declared nominees, but held committee and full Senate confirmations of GOP nominees.

The Senate GOP has explicitly stated they will refuse to take any action on any Obama nominee - even as the President hasn’t even announced his nominee. That’s unprecedented and breathtaking in its obstructionism and ignoring the plain meaning of the Constitution (yeah, all you judicial originalists, reconcile all that - you can’t and you know it).

Add to that the fact that the GOP is laying waste to the traditional power of the President to choose nominees as they see fit for the court, and that they want a one-for-one replacement of Scalia with someone of a similar judicial philosophy.

Funny, but how exactly what Thurgood Marshall replaced? Oh right - with Clarence Thomas - the polar opposite judicially.

And yet that’s entirely the President’s prerogative. Obama gets to choose Scalia’s replacement, and he’ll pick someone fitting his judicial philosophy.

The Senate GOP and right wing nutters will just have to deal.

Failing that, and the GOP carries out their obstructionist nonsense, Democrats better do all they can to make sure there are consequences - namely that the GOP loses the Senate and the elected President is a Democrat.

The GOP obstructionism cannot be allowed to stand.