
Colbert Dissects Trump's Historically Long, Epically Weird DBAG Speech [VIDEO]

Decatur Deb3/05/2019 4:01:47 pm PST

re: #166 BeachDem

Our primary here in South Carolina will be interesting. It gets a lot of press as “first in the South” and the candidates spend a lot of time here. (I get to see/meet Kamala Friday afternoon—yay!)

In 2008, Hillary took one county (happened to be mine), Edwards took his home/birth county and Obama took the rest. In 2016, Hillary took every county and won 73.5% of the vote. And yet, there were serious Bernieacs throughout the state throughout the election cycle.

I doubt Bernard will ignore South Carolina as he did in 2016, but I don’t see him doing all that well. There is still a lot of resentment about how he acted then among many of the core Dem supporters. I could be wrong, but that’s my sense of things right now.

2020 candidates and maybe candidates I’ve seen in person/met at some earlier time—Biden, Gabbard (yuck), Castro, McAuliff, Sanders (yuck), Delaney (yuck). We do get a lot of facetime with primary candidates, then they leave the state in a stampede and we never see them again.

Sleuth—if you’re here—thanks for that Danny Barefoot focus group thread—wonder where he did the focus group.

In this part of Baja Alabama if someone is young, white, energetic, and a Democrat there is an excellent chance they’re a Bernie Kid. And their effort is very welcome.