
Mob Mentality at Town Hall Meetings

Drider8/08/2009 9:25:55 am PDT

I don’t know if you noticed but at the moment the American people are being ruled over and ignored.
This has been an ongoing fiasco that started with TARP which opened the door for the complete take over of private industries industries ala the car industry, was done to pay off political allies via historic and blatant gutting of our Capitalist system that completely screwed over investors to hand the industry to the union…American people see that and are pissed off to no avail.

The banks have been taken over and the American people realize that this take over will be a permanent takeover, instead of a temporary move to get cash flowing again…American people see this and are pissed off to no avail.

Stimulus bills are being piled up one after another but they don’t stimulate because they won’t spend a vast majority of the money for another year on out…American people see this and are pissed off to no avail.

Nobody in the house or senate is reading these massive bills before signing them into law and this has “really” been pissing off the American people, who watch our “rulers” make wise cracks and flippant remarks on not having to read the bills they are cramming through.

The heath bill is the nail in the coffin and the American people know it. It is basically a one party system now and that system is Socialism, all of these bills are obviously designed to usher out our Capitalist system and rush in a Socialist system…American people see this and are pissed off to no avail.

This mob mentality did not spring up over night, it has taken time and a ton of fear to manifest itself, it isn’t what one would call a productive way of solving or stopping this unvarnished sludge hammer approach to “change” but if you noticed, it is the only way people have left to be heard.

Please don’t tell me that folks thought that the switch from Capitalism to Socialism would go off without some major pain, it’s just now starting IMHO.

The vast majority of American people love their Country as it is and always was and want nothing to do with Communism’s weak sister.