
Oklahoma Will Ban Sharia Law, Which Was Just About to Take Over

Racer X6/14/2010 6:44:12 pm PDT

re: #153

The first gaffe in my mind happened when Salazar changed the report after the engineering experts had signed off on it, making it appear they had recommended the 6-month moratorium that the President declared, when they did no such thing.

The second gaffe is that the President hasn’t yet lifted the moratorium he called based on a report by experts, when those experts have made it clear now that they never recommended such drastic action.

As the investigation proceeds, it becomes more and more apparent that BP for days, made bad decision after bad decision, in order to try to save money; those decisions led directly to the blowout. BP should be blamed; BP should be penalized; but there is no reason to penalize the other companies nor thousands of workers in Ala, Miss, La. and Texas.

And once again Reine hits one outta the park. A 90 yard touchdown run. A 3-pointer from half court.