
GOP Star Rand Paul Hangs with America's Craziest Conspiracy Kook, World Yawns

b_sharp12/11/2010 8:36:00 pm PST

re: #104 Shiplord Kirel

Are Americans the only ones guilty of this lawless patriotism of which you accuse us?
I am fed up with this bullshit. You and your mates probably sit around and laugh about how much shit the stupid seppos take from you while you trumpet your own superiority at literally every opportunity. It is the same throughout the Anglophone drunkosphere: Canucks, Kiwis, Ozzies, and Brits, defend their own nations and boast of their superiority without reservation at literally every opportunity while it is only American patriotism that is disreputable. I have literally never seen an Australian direct the kind of criticism at his own country that we routinely see directed at the USA by people all over the world, including many Americans.
This is not because you believe in justice, but because you are blinded by your own jingoism and the sublime assurance of your superiority, unable to recognize your own bigotry for what it really is.
You’d sing a goddamned different tune if Assange wasn’t one of yours and his favorite target wasn’t the same as yours.

You think we Canucks don’t recognize problems with our own country and wish they could be rectified?

Patriotism becomes a problem when it blinds people to real errors made by their country. If you can acknowledge the negatives, as well as the positives, in the actions taken by your country and praise the leadership for those positives while working toward correcting the negatives then your patriotism is appropriate, but if you refuse to acknowledge the negatives and just increase your drum beating when confronted by those negatives then your patriotism is inappropriate.