
WATCH LIVE: Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders Lies to the Press Again

Birth Control Works8/24/2017 2:35:43 pm PDT

re: #151 alloutofcrazyhere

Coulter says and writes the most revolting crap possible to make money and get attention. There’s no doubt she’s a vile human being and a Nazi, but it’s tough to say exactly what else she’s for or against except for the usual demonizing of the minority population and scaring people with the word liberal. In other words, just red meat for the base.

I do find it hilarious and horrifying at the same time with how fast the GOP has moved to the right as she can’t keep up with her usual standards of shocking people. Due to people like Trump that keep raising (or lowering) the bar in terms of hate, she has a tough time getting attention.

Thing is, we don’t really know what she believes. We only know they depths she is willing to go to make money.