
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/24/2010 7:51:58 am PDT

re: #163

When one gets to be a certain age, one is forgiven for many things.
This is a funny story!

The first time I met her was great. We arrived at her house (she lived in her own home until she was 92, then in a group home in SF with one of the best views of the bay on earth) to the smell of a freshly-baked cherry pie. We go in, my two brothers and I, young rapscallions— I think I was eight or so— nervous to meet her.

We knocked on the door, and she greeted us, my mom introducing us. My great-great-aunt smiled at us, waving a spoon covered in pie-making ingredients, “Come right in!” she said, and we sat down at her nice little kitchen table. “I expect you’re hungry!” she said, and we all, staring at the pie on the counter, said “Yes, yes!”

So she smiled again, reached into the cupboard, pulled out some shredded wheat, served us three bowls of it, and then ate the entire pie while smiling at us and not saying a word. Then she took a nap.
