
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)6/09/2011 6:07:06 am PDT

re: #163 Jimmah


Dawkins said this in defense of Condell:

He may sound extreme, but that could just reflect the extremes he is fighting against. I don’t know the corresponding figures for America, but polls in Britain suggest that an alarmingly high percentage of young British Muslims support the terrorists of 9/11 and 7/7, and some 40% of Muslims want Sharia Law introduced into Britain. Disquietingly high percentages supported the death sentence against Salman Rushdie and the threats of violence against the Danish cartoonists. Even ‘moderate’ Muslim leaders support the principle that apostasy deserves the death penalty, even if they are too nice to carry out the sentence themselves. I think it is well arguable that Islam is the greatest man-made force for evil in the world today. Pat Condell is one of the few with the courage to say so. Before condemning his ‘extremism’, at least consider the possibility that it may be justified.

He’s doing much of the same things those on the right do— lumping all moderate Muslims into one pot, treating Islam as though it’s monolithic, etc. I’m not going to less it pass just because he’s an atheist like me.

Not to mention that Condell is in a political party that has Monkton as chief scientific adviser; that alone should be enough for Dawkins to distance himself from Condell.