
Suspect Arrested in Tiller Murder

Gus5/31/2009 1:33:34 pm PDT

re: #144 sattv4u2

I must be missing something (not a 1st for me, btw0 I see nothing inflammatory or wrong with that press release

Perhaps with the words and phrases that are emphasized. Also in what he didn’t say in condemning the perpetrator. I find Terry’s final phrase to be rather suspect: even their churches.

Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue states, “George Tiller was a mass-murderer. We grieve for him that he did not have time to properly prepare his soul to face God. I am more concerned that the Obama Administration will use Tiller’s killing to intimidate pro-lifers into surrendering our most effective rhetoric and actions. Abortion is still murder. And we still must call abortion by its proper name; murder.

“Those men and women who slaughter the unborn are murderers according to the Law of God. We must continue to expose them in our communities and peacefully protest them at their offices and homes, and yes, even their churches.”