
Working Hard, or Hardly Working? Congress Gives Themselves 239 Vacation Days in 2013

A Mom Anon9/02/2013 3:37:25 pm PDT

re: #164 Vicious Babushka

I would be a dedicated mail order customer. I’d almost move closer if I could afford it just to smell the deliciousness. Hire me, even better. I can bake. I’ll make baked donuts with seasonal themes, how’s that? Pumpkin in fall, lemon in summer, something like that.

I’m baaaack people. I had my little crying jag, the family is fed, the husband was feeling a little better and took the dog for a ride in the car to get a snack, and I put in another job application at a pet store. In laws are coming friday(I have mixed feelings about that), so the kid and I have yard work to do and hopefully I won’t lose the remainder of my sanity. Ha.