
Watch Live: CPAC 2014, Festival of Lunacy, Day 2

A Mom Anon3/07/2014 12:34:30 pm PST

So yesterday Paul Ryan ran his yap about school lunches and kids who get them being unloved. And he told some story that supposedly came from a member of Scott Walker’s administration about a kid in the lunch program who told this person he wanted a paper bag lunch from home and not a school lunch because it meant someone at home cared about him. Well, as per usual, Ryan is a lying sack of crap. The story comes from this book and it was taken out of context. It’s a book that’s about showing compassion toward those with less than you have and understanding that in doing so we find we have more in common, not less.

These assholes really need to spend about a year figuring out how to pay bills and feed their families on minimum wage and STFU and quit vilifying the poor. God this pisses me off.