
Redstate CEO Erickson: Nobel Prize Has an Affirmative Action Quota

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion10/09/2009 12:14:57 pm PDT

All this outrage is really fucking stupid. You cant say that the NPP is a joke for decades, and then get this pissed off about the people who get it.

I know the prize is a joke, a meaningless joke that is simply a popularity contest for Northern European Socialists to pat each other on the back. I don’t give a damn who they give it to. This would be like the Discovery Institute giving out biological science prizes to creationists. I should give a fuck why?

I cannot take any right-wing pundits other than VDH and Krauthammer serious anymore. They are all buffoons now. Thank you talk radio for making me go back to listening to music during my car.