
Here We Go Again: Planned Parenthood Targeted for Wingnut Sting?

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)4/24/2012 4:48:10 am PDT

Good morning Lizards.

Philly drying out from Sunday’s heavy rain and the dizzling yesterday. Cold (40s), but no snow expected I think.

Equally dreary day here at work. Come in and it’s 75% annoyance requests (password resets) and 25% (drop everything and do this now!) requests.

The former is mainly people ignoring procedures or simply being able to remember a password they set two weeks ago. The latter is the infamous “my crisis has become your crisis” stuff that is a leading cause of stress in IT professionals.

As a result I did kick an email out to the project manager asking for a message to be passed back down to the project team leads about this behavior.

They develop a custom report, get it moved from development to production, and tell the users to run it. The users cannot run it since there is no security to allow them to. So suddenly it’s “WE NEED THIS RIGHT NOW!” tossed in my lap. For a process that would normally take at least 2-3 days going through the proper channels and procedures.

And, of course, my priority work on a hand-off that has to be coded and tested this week before a contractor rolls off the project gets side-lined as a result.
(end rant)


And people wonder why I’m in a cranky mood at 9am when they get in.