
PJTV: Joe the Plumber and the Hamas Charter

jcm1/19/2009 1:18:36 pm PST

re: #152 buzzsawmonkey

I find the eagerness of all these celebs and others to proclaim America “a great country” and declare their undying patriotism now that The One is being inaugurated more than slightly sickening.

Was America not a great country last year or the year before? Did not the things that the newly-minted self-proclaimed volunteers claim to wish to do need doing just as much last year or the year before?

I have heard people speaking reverently of Obama “because he asks something of them.” Did not the outgoing President merely ask of them that they believe in their country, and that they understand that his actions were the actions of a fallible man, elected to serve them and protect them, not the actions of a dictator or a rapacious maniac—and did they not find even this small effort wholly beyond their capabilities?

The outpouring of altruism surrounding the Obama Coronation Week will fade as rapidly as the world’s sympathy for the United States did after 9/11, but in the meantime the stench of hypocrisy emanating from it is overwhelming.

You see my links last thread?
We have gathered a group of individuals who share the courage to pledge to our president, ….