
Chas Freeman's Paranoid Statement

n2stox3/11/2009 9:10:56 am PDT

In my faith of mankind, I have to believe that even the obama admin, after hearing/reading this latest statement from Freeman, are thinking to themselves: thank goodness this guy didn’t make it.

Every single report I read talked about his ties to China and The Kingdom and how those were real potential conflicts of interest.

Let’s see. Saudi Arabia funds madrassas that preach hate. They fund shools in the US that use textbooks showing Jews as pigs and Christians as apes (or is it the other way around?). Oh, it just so happens that every terrorist this side of Neptune has some sort of ties to The Kingdom, and he wonders why him being on a Prince’s payroll might make Americans uneasy about him being in a position to affect national security and intelligence?

And, with most Jews being liberal, is he claiming some sort of “Vast Leftwing Jewish Conspiracy?”

How do people like this succeed in life?