
Ready ... Set ... Now Count Those Words!

175 12:05:59 pm PDT

re: #152 thequis

This may rankle a few feathers out there but I’m going to say it. As an African American, many of us hear the word “narcissist” and in this case of using it to attack The President, we hear th word “uppity.”

Not to say that many or even most of the attacks are meant that way. I think the vast majority of them aren’t BUT I don’t remember any past president and practically ALL OF THEM has some sort of Hubris (that’s how you get the stones to say you should lead the free world). The other side of the coin is that Presidents 43 & 44 are the only ones to have to deal with a “blogosphere” where every day new attacks/information must be generated for a hit count. I guess this is why I love LGF, when there really isn’t any news for the day we get cool musical interludes.

It takes a certain type of ego to run for public office; and anyone who runs for public office has at least a bit of that ego.

I think your other points are right on target.

I will admit that it grates on me to hear a speech by anybody that uses a lot of “I” and “we”. But I think Obama did it more often during the campaign than he does now. Bill Clinton, I think is the one who takes the prize for using “I” and “we”. I reached a point where I thought if I heard Clinton or Hillary say ‘We are working very hard …” one more time, I would scream.