
The Copenhagen Diagnosis

Walter L. Newton11/24/2009 4:20:24 pm PST

re: #162 Jimmah

It read like you were suggesting just that. 9 times out of 10 a comment like that coming from an AGW skeptic would have been. Apologies if it wasn’t.

You must have me confused with someone else. I am not a skeptic, get that straight right now. The actual science behind it all is a bit confusing to me, even though I have read most of what Charles, Ludwig and others have linked to.

Occasionally, you will find me not swallowing hook, line and sinker every new pronouncement that comes my way, but I never just dismiss the issue out of hand.

People like Ludwig carries no force with me. Just as Palin’s association with certain people decrease her credibility, Ludwig’s attitude is enough for me not to care one wit about any of the science he brings to the table. Not that the science he references and discusses is problematic, but he is, and I have no respect for him. Not more than I have any respect for Palin and others, considering the kind of people they cavort with.

And I will play devils advocate as much as the next one when I come across someone who treat this science like it was a religion.

But deny, no I do not deny, even though I don’t fully understand.

And yes, your statement to me offends, very much so. But, I suspect as you expected no better from me, I didn’t ecxpect any better from you.

So, we are even, aren’t we?