
GOP Star Rand Paul Hangs with America's Craziest Conspiracy Kook, World Yawns

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines12/11/2010 8:37:56 pm PST

Jingoism vs. patriotism.
I don’t know how many of you know this, but in parts of Vietnam it is customary for men who are out in public together to hold hands. It doesn’t mean they are lovers or even particularly friendly, it just means they are together. It is a sensible enough custom in a crowded country. It warns robbers and alerts merchants that they may have a multiple business opportunity coming down the street.
Now, when I was there during the unpleasantness of the early 70s, it was like banging my head against a wall to try to convince GIs that these Vietnamese men were not gay (not all of them at any rate). It was impossible for them to see an alien custom from any perspective but their own. That is jingoism; a minor form to be sure, but other expressions of jingoism were one of the causes of the war.
I ran across the same thing in Iraq just a few years ago: It was astonishing that people who had been there for years and whose duties involved interaction with the locals could be as ignorant as they were of the local culture.