
New From Seth Meyers: Roger Stone Indicted, Trump Caves on Shutdown [VIDEO]

Citizen K1/29/2019 5:54:43 am PST

This bullshit is just getting disgusting, but it also seems like the hate is absolutely and utterly universal. That 90 percent of the entire fucking world has rallied against these journos and treating them like traitors to humanity, thus deserving to be treated like subhuman garbage.

Which I assume is exactly the point: to make it feel like no one is on their side, even if it’s not true. But god help me I find myself depressed how much it feels like the bastards are winning.

EDIT: It especially pisses me off that the preferred ‘outer narrative’ is the retraining programs which apparently are such a massive insult to all Americans that we must rise up against the media reporting on these and prove how much we must hate them.

Because, you know, coal is for-fucking-ever. Right?