
Klinghoffer Speaks for Maimonides

Daria Emmons7/21/2009 9:42:57 pm PDT

re: #166 Sharmuta

The Creationists got to you at some point.

Intelligent Design IS NOT a merging of faith and science.

Intelligent Design IS creationism.

You are confusing theistic evolution and ID. They are distinct and separate theories at conflict with each other.

I look at creationism as a literal rendering of the bible, including young earth theory.

I look at ID as encompassing a realistic age of the universe, however, with the belief that God had a hand in creating man. (that man did not come from apes)

The two are not exactly the same, but regardless, ID is NOT SCIENCE. (and I never said it was)

No less than Richard Dawkins believes that faith and science collide with respect to evolution, and I agree with him. I also agree with the rabbis.

Again, I don’t sit up at night reading info on how science is taught in public schools (the Middle East is my issue), but I nonetheless see a conflict in religion v. science. I just am comfortably agnostic and don’t care that much about it at the moment.