
Proof That Edward Snowden Engaged In Espionage

wrenchwench8/29/2013 4:10:11 pm PDT

re: #173 CuriousLurker

You know what really annoys the hell out of me about all the self-righteousness coming form the moonbats right now? The vast majority of them didn’t give a hairy rat’s ass about “freedom” and “privacy” and “government overreach” as long as it was Muslims (or Blacks & Hispanics) being profiled, questioned, etc. It wasn’t until they realized it was everyone—including their own white, privileged, emoprog selves & freinds under the microscope—that it suddenly became horrible, soul-shredding, America-destroying tyranny. Puhleeze. Gimme an effing break, m’kay?

//I’ve been carrying that little rant around for a few weeks now and needed to vent, so thanks for listening.

Not to mention that the surveillance has been exaggerated and lied about while the problems with, say, SB1070 and ‘stop & frisk’ were ignored by most of the dudebros.