
Teabonics Sign of the Day

Sigma_x4/09/2010 12:56:05 pm PDT

I posted this yesterday, but I feel I just have to repost it. There’s got to be something said when Republicans vote against the stimulus bill, extending unemployment benefits, the jobs bill, the health care bill,… all that coupled with the news yesterday that 47% of Americans won’t pay Federal Income Tax this year because they didn’t make enough money, or through tax credits, or Obama’s tax policies; AND YET:

The 10 Poorest States in the US

1) Mississippi—Voted McCain
2) West Virginia—Voted McCain
3) Arkansas—Voted McCain
4) Kentucky—Voted McCain
5) Alabama—Voted McCain
6) Oklahoma—Voted McCain
7) New Mexico—Voted Obama
8) Tennessee—Voted McCain
9) Montana—Voted McCain
10) Louisiana—Voted McCain