
Kobe Bryant is 'The Black Mamba'

Talking Point Detective2/19/2011 9:04:02 pm PST

New CPAC Chair says no to groups that support DADT repeal or marriage, guess Dick Cheney is out then

Organizations are not welcome to come to CPAC next year if they support DADT repeal (which rules out 80% of all Americans, including that CPAC hero Dick Cheney, among others) and if they support marriage equality (which rules out that CPAC hero Dick Cheney, among others). He did say that “gays” are welcome so long as they don’t advocate gays in the military or marriage.

Looks like conservatives are placing all their bets that bigotry will carry them to electoral victory, because they’re making it plenty clear that no one except Cristian, white, straight, socons and anti-government loons are welcome.