
Greenwald on the Amash Amendment: Obama Is Literally in Cahoots With GOP

HoosierHoops7/25/2013 8:16:59 pm PDT

Damn it! We have to revisit the Zimmerman trial again.. I was over it and every effen detail has been rehashed and discussed.
It’s not my fault.. I have to react to what B-29 Juror revealed today.
Ok..All bullshit and opinions aside.. This is what really happened inside that room.. The world on the outside looking in..
I have never been on a jury.
So she said today that George Z. Got away with murder..That the law didn’t allow her any choice..And she showed her face..A very brave woman..
So now what do you think Lizards? Was she hamstrung by the law and heartbroken with a choice weighting like a 16 ton boulder on her soul.
You guys may not like what I’m going to write..

I think B-29 was looking for a way out..A cop out and attempting a sympathetic personhood for the media..( Book deal )
Let me explain folks..
If you really believed that Georgie committed murder and was going to freaking get away with murder..Well you know what? You could have hung that fucking jury and held out till the end..If that is what you truely hold fast in your heart..Then you hold out and hang the jury..This is America..Nobody held a gun to your head and made you go against your belief..Of all the 10’s of thousands of jury members who upheld their oath
to the Court and the American Justice system..You Fail..You fail big time.
You could have stood up and said nobody leaves until we get at the least a manslaughter charge here and stand your Ground..
If you really believed that..
So go on the Today show or 60 minutes now and tell us what a heartbreaking period you went through..I think you should just shut the fuck up and go away..But that’s just me..
See ya in the morning on TV B-29..What was your name again?
You didn’t just fail the system. You failed yourself.