
GOP Rebranding Watch: S. Dakota Lawmaker Says It Should Be Legal to Deny Service to "Blacks"

Dark_Falcon3/17/2014 2:00:48 pm PDT

re: #174 dog philosopher

McCain, Other Republican Congresspersons, Vow To Put Their Lives On The Line And Ask Their Children And Grandchildren To Enlist In Order To Save Ukraine Through US Military Action

“this country will need to raise taxes in order to pay for putting the american military back on a cold war footing”

Congressional Aides Tell Press “Ha Ha Not Really Fooled Ya”

You do know that Sen. McCain’s elder son is already a naval officer and his younger son served as a Marine in Iraq, right?

John McCain can be called some negative things, but neither he nor his sons are any species of Chickenhawk. The McCain family has paid the blood tax, ED, of that you may be sure.