
Video: Sen. Al Franken Calls GOP Obstructionism "Absurd" and Provides Examples

Yeah Sure WhatEVs3/23/2016 7:37:05 pm PDT

re: #123 HappyWarrior

Exactly. We need a sane Republican party. I mean I may not like the assholes but we need sane ones and by sane I don’t mean clowns like McCain who pander to the insane to save their own skins.

No. We need a sane opposition party. Fuck republicans. Let them die like the Whigs so a new party can rise from the ashes, let the hateful in the GOP retain the GOP moniker and a new party overtakes them as a party of thinking people.

Anything and everything GOP needs to go. It’s a rot so deep it needs to be nuked and ground into dust.