
American Taliban Leader David Barton: The Bible Should Rule the World

Vicious Babushka4/17/2011 12:47:18 pm PDT

Oh hai lizards.

My daughter is in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. My grandkids are in the TV room, watching their way through the entire collection of Disney and Dreamworks animations. They have already watched “Bee Story,” “Despicable Me,” “Up,” “Finding Nemo,” “Cars,” and now they’re watching “Princess and the Frog.”

My daughter has said they are not allowed to watch “Shrek” because the last time they were here, I let them watch all 3 films, and they memorized all the off-color parts that were supposed to go “over the kids’ heads” and repeated them to all their classmates whose parents don’t allow their kids to watch movies or TV.

Also, the “National Geographic” educational animals video shows some R-rated action amongst the wild okapi. Two males fight for dominance and the winner gets a “golden shower” from the female. My grandkids watched this. Science!