
Video: Has the Earth Been Cooling for 10 Years?

Cato the Elder2/13/2010 3:55:59 pm PST

Tales of American entrepreneurship:

Just took my car out of the garage for the first time in over a week. I had to go get an essential prescription before the pharmacy closed, so I just powered through the snow drift into the minimally plowed alley. I figured I’d have a fun time getting back in the garage, e.g. get a heart attack shoveling my way in.

There were two guys with shovels digging out cars as I came to the end of the alley. I asked what they would want for clearing the ice and snow drift in front of the garage. “Twenty bucks, and we’ll be done by the time you get back.” Deal. So I came back and they had cleared the entire area, including my back gate, which I didn’t even ask for.

Two Hopkins med students making money for books. Tim and Tom. Nicest guys you could meet. And when they saw the old BMW motorcycle in the garage that I don’t ride anymore (hard to accommodate a service dog on a bike), they offered me top dollar to buy it. So I spent twenty dollars for good work and stand to make a nice little cash bundle on the bike.

I have always depended on the kindness of strangers and serendipitous chance encounters.

God bless Americans.