
The Fascist Ideology of 'Fjordman'

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)8/05/2011 2:55:35 pm PDT

re: #16 Thanos

It all folds back to the belief that ownership and rights to particular sections of earth belong to only some people by right of bloodline [as opposed to actual purchase, deed, or government grant/lease] It’s an ancient feudal perspective that really fuels the dominionism and tribal supremacists, it’s also why they idolize feudal tyrants and hanker after idealized nobility. They think that all tribes need to be separated into their own homelands/fiefdoms - if you dig back far enough you find that all of this really originated with descendants of deposed Royals and Royalists.

Not 100 % convinced. A lot of NWO conspiracy crap (Alex Jones et al) that is very sympathetic to the sovereign citizen cause is very explicitly anti-feudalistic. But there is definitively a lot of overlap, especially where racism and religious supremacism is concerned.