
Breitbart Hacks Still Doing the Benghazi Boogaloo - Now Hyping Discredited Group Run by Birther

Kragar4/08/2013 12:21:40 pm PDT

Glenn Beck: MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry part of UN conspiracy to collectivize American children

Beck’s The Blaze website noted that the conservative radio host had also featured Harris-Perry’s promo on his Monday radio program, adding that he “referenced Agenda 21, which emphasizes ‘the collective’ over the individual, noting that it’s been branded a conspiracy theory among adults while children are learning about it in school.”

Conservatives have warned that Agenda 21 was a “conspiracy to transform America from the land of the free, to the land of the collective” through “a mind-control technique” called the Delphi technique.

Beck also linked the MSNBC advertisement to Common Core, an initiative to create nationwide testing standards for students.

“This is, I believe, the fulfilment of a couple of things that we said would happen,” Beck explained. “And they have. And they will be dismissed. And you will be made to look like a conspiracy theorist.”

“This is the announcement of where they’re headed,” he insisted. “This is exactly what we warned about, this is the fulfilment of so many things that we have said on this program.”

Beck went on to say that the “battle was on” to defeat Common Core because “it is a loss of parental sovereignty, of state sovereignty and it is also a loss of our children into a grotesque system.”