
Hamas Murders Human Rights Worker

Buck1/27/2009 9:39:31 am PST

re: #122 lostlakehiker

He was sentenced to death in 2002, do you think that his appeals just ran out? Do you think he was given a fair trial? Did he know anything he said would be held against him?

If he was sentenced to death by Hamas 8 year ago, why would he not leave the area?

This man was murdered without any form or process. There is NO rule of law there, despite what the Palestinian press would tell us.

Hamas has (from the start) taken power the old fashioned way. They only won that last election because of threats, and violence. And they keep power in Gaza by killing, crippling, and throwing opposition off of roof tops.

There is NO RULE OF LAW in Gaza. Hamas is running wild, and killing on whim. they have done it before and they do it again.

AND every Pal they kill shows up in the “Palestinians Killed since Hamas took power” column and everyone just assumes they were “killed” by Israel.