
Pipe Bomb Found on MLK Parade Route in Spokane

Pawn of the Oppressor1/18/2011 8:20:31 pm PST

These folks who blame The Other for our country’s ills should spend a couple of weeks working in bankruptcy servicing… All I have to say is, we have met the enemy and he is us: a whole generation of people falling all over themselves to take out five- or six-digit loans against inflated home values (WOOHOO FREE MONEY TO BUY SHINY SHIT!) and an entire nation’s worth of bankers falling all over themselves trying to suck people into the scheme. You want to know who broke the system? You did. You want to know who bailed out the guys who made it all possible, with whatever public money was left? Your favorite politicians did. It wasn’t black people, it wasn’t Socialists, it wasn’t The Fifth Column of Uppity Radical Nigras, it was your friends and neighbors and the people they voted for.

“Every nation has the government it deserves” - quite possibly 100% true in this case.

Politicized racism is such a f-cking miserable, sick joke, played on the Stupid by the Thieves-in-Command. I start to understand why the hippies call people “sheep”.

Sorry for the rant, this racism thing makes me mad…

re: #146 BryanS

Considering the kind of people he describes, they probably think of gravity is “only a theory anyway”.

Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New ‘Intelligent Falling’ Theory

I’m relieved to see that it’s The Onion. I had to double-check, because these days you never know.