
BNP on the Brink of Political Legitimacy?

Ayatollah Ghilmeini5/02/2009 12:01:48 pm PDT

Of Johnson and Wilders

Charles is wrong on Geert Wilders. There I said it. I am troubled by Wilders desire to ban the Koran (I believe in banning parties not books) but if Mein Kampf can be banned under Dutch law, there is no reason that another book that that calls for bigotry and domination of the other, cannot join Hitler’s work on the same shelf.

Wilders not a perfect vessel, but he is fundamentally a democrat- women’s and gay rights, support of Israel are core beliefs of his and his background is entirely from the Dutch tradition of tolerance and democracy. I would rather he did not advocate banning the Koran but he also has not aligned himself with Vlaams Belang, the BNP and the true far-right of Europe. True fascists are dead set on permanent power for their party. Having studied and watched the Geert Wilders for the last five years, I do not see a totalitarian Leader madly bent on power for himself.

Will Geert Wilders ban further immigration the Netherlands? Yes. Will he stop the welfare subsidy of the Islamist takeover of the Netherlands? Yes. Will he set up death camps and use industrial methods to kill Muslims, no. Current crime statistics show Dutch cities, like many other European centers, suffering violent crime waves that threaten their very way of life. The Dutch are not ones breaking the social contract, it is the Islamist immigrants. For a small country only 20% larger than Massachusetts, absorbing almost one million new immigrants is social society challenge that would swamp most small nations. This social experiment has failed: Rotterdam is occupied territory, Amsterdam is sinking fast and other Dutch cities are fast following down the drain. They have hit the breaking point and want the left’s mad experiment that threatens their wellbeing and way of life to end- it is not fascist to stop this process, it is sanity.

Any fair analysis of Geert Wilders words shows he does not use the language Ahmadinejad (now there is a fascist!) to describe Muslims but his criticism of the most extremist aspects of Islam is dead on and Islamofascists, who are the real fascists, the real enemy. Wilders wants to defend the existence of a Ductch people. Everything he has said calls for using the rule of law to do so.

If I thought Wilders was a true fascist, I would not support him. I do not subscribe to the notion of taking the lesser fascist to fight the bigger ones. Wilders is simply not a true fascist. Bruce Bawer, the gay canary of Europe’s coal mine, has said: “there is no one I trust more than Geert Wilders.”

If Wilders were fascist, wouldn’t he want to party with the rest of the Eurofascists at the Pro Koln Heil Festival? Oddly, he unlike, Robert Spencer, was never listed as a speaker.

If Wilders were the last clear chance for Europe and a fascist, I would not be writing these words. Again, I do not agree with his calls to ban the Koran but I do know this, for more than four years this man has lived under guard for daring to challenge the Islamists and Leftist establishments that have done nothing to defend Europe from collapsing into a giant Gaza with architecture. Every day his life has been under threat. He has stood bravely and not flinched.

I disagree with Charles; I trust Geert Wilders.