
Fort Hood Shooter Connected to Radicals, Tried to Contact Al Qaeda

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/09/2009 10:34:55 am PST

The real burning question I have is the balance that needs to be maintained about what to do. At no point, repeat at no point, do I think that all Muslims should ever be painted with a bad brush.

That said, it seems pretty clear that the radical fringe is still hear and is still a bit more mainstream than I had given credit for. Falls Church Va is about as mainstream, suburban and middle class America as you could get. My point is that if jihadis are in places like that spreading their propaganda - no doubt largely funded by unpleasant foreign regimes, we actually do have a wide spread problem.

So the very serious question, which I do not have a good answer for, is how do we hunt the bad guys without stepping on the rights of innocent Muslims?

A second question is, if we have this sort of stuff going on behind the scenes, I mean deep radicalization that will produce lone actors and unaffiliated terrorist cells, which are frankly, difficult to stop until after they’ve acted, how do we nip these things in the bud?

For sure, there have been a number of high profile arrests lately before anything went down. I give kudos to our intelligence and law enforcement communities for that.

I am concerned about three things.

1. A lot of Americans have gotten bored it seems with the reality that there really are some nasty Jihadi groups out there who want to kill us all. Awareness needs to be maintained.

2. In the course of being more aware, we do not punish the innocent along with the guilty.

3. If there are these types of jihadis preaching in American Mosques, why do we leave them here?