
When Lying Right Wing Hacks Attack (or, Patterico the Idiot)

researchok1/21/2011 12:17:18 pm PST

re: #163 jamesfirecat

What do you mean by “defense of marriage in minority communities” and how is it at odds with the current party platform of the democrats?

Also there are at least four remaining democratic members of the house who are pro-life and there were at least 11 of them before the 2010 election…


And that just covers the ones who voted against Obama-Care…

Being Pro-Life isn’t a deal breaker for the Democrats…

Moynihan was outspoken about out of wedlock childbirth and the abandonment of marriage and fathers in minority communities. Remember the heat Obama took from Jackson when he made similar remarks?

Marriage and out of wedlock births are now third rail subjects, sadly. Moynihan’s point was made by the numbers, even back then. Children from stable homes with fathers present are more likely to get an education, earn more money, be successful, etc. He was a tireless advocate for minorities- when he spoke of civil rights and potential, it was stirring. He was a most eloquent advocate for the hand up.

Also, Moynihan was just pro life- he took a firm stand against abortion. He said it undermined the morality of a culture. No one can say that today.

You didn’t always have to agree with him but there were few more decent, honest and patriotic American politicians in the latter half of the 20th century.

The same applies to all the others I mentioned as well.