
Video: Melvin the Machine

Mr Pancakes7/01/2011 10:43:15 pm PDT

re: #179 windsagio

Sorry for the Tull thing, it seriously just has some personal triggers that get me going. I meant no harm :p

Autism is such a wide spectrum, its really hard to define what’s going to happen. Your experiences sound a lot like what happened in our family though, my brother bit others a lot when he was little and then eventually changed over to biting himself (although he went through some violent periods as well). He never went to music (although some of the residents at my work who were Autistic definitely did, and in a big way), locking onto visual arts stuff at a very young age.

I would seriously encourage you to email the contact there or even call (altho I can see that being more than a little bit awkward). My mother is where those emails should redirect to (if it works) and she’s the one who can give you the best overall story of how things developed over time (with the caveat that again, it was the 70s-80s so some things were done substantially different).

I can regale you with stories all night about growing up around him (some of them kind of scary with hindsight), and both the joys and challenges going along with it. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! :p

I don’t know how my son keeps it together actually……. I know they are networked big-time with others going through this same ordeal. I appreciate your insight, and I feel for you and your family.