
Great Neck Synagogue Pulls the Plug on Pamela Geller Hatefest

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)4/11/2013 6:51:21 am PDT

re: #179 Targetpractice

Kinda wonder if the passage of such would have any bearing on the Prop 8/DOMA double-header that SCOTUS is deliberating on. Knowing our luck with the court, they’ll argue that it’s “proof” that same-sex marriage is fast becoming accepted at the state level and there’s no reason for them to hinder or help that process along.

Which is sort of stupid since differing state rules regarding SSM is just going to generate multiple 14th Amendment based equal protection suits until the Supreme Court makes a broader ruling regarding it. And cause more disturbance the longer they wait since allowing the separate standards is simply going to fuel the current iteration of nullification and “state’s rights” further.