
Trouble in Greenwaldia: The Intercept's "Senior Policy Analyst" Abruptly Quits

piratedan5/16/2014 2:16:00 pm PDT

re: #157 HappyWarrior

It’s mostly because there isn’t any real outrage, they’re just pawns who’ve let their emotions and latent bigotry be tapped by the professional victim outrage crew over at Faux and AM Talk radio… Can any of them honestly point to any set of policies that this administration has passed down that make their lives a disaster and unbearable that have required them to swallow their pride or that are blatantly unfair to them or their families?

This president inherited a shitpotful of crapola from the previous office holder and so far, almost all of the shit that people can be upset about can be directly attributed to that asshole and if people are still hurting post that debacle it isn’t because this administration hasn’t tried to make things better but rather the fact that the people that they supposedly want to run the country have done such a pisspoor job and they STILL keep electing them to screw with the guy who’s trying to unfuck all the damage done before.