
New Hammered Dulcimer Goodness From House of Waters: "Moon"

Hecuba's daughter5/28/2022 8:50:43 am PDT

re: #179 Dangerman

these judges are deluded

apparently ‘Ohio Supreme Court” means nothing

and as a Rando points out: “You FUCKING IDIOTS, the whole POINT of rigging the maps is so that voters CANNOT “punish them if they so choose”.

They are not deluded. They are achieving their goal — minimizing Democratic votes and maximizing the power of the white supremacists they support. Modern Republican judges are all members of the neo-Nazi Federalist Society; the organization favors one party rule as long as the party is the GOP and minorities are silenced. Let’s not forget that lawyers from that organization collaborated with and inspired Trump in his efforts to overturn the election.