
Republican Dominated Indiana State Senate Committee Votes for Creationism in Schools

RogueOne1/26/2012 5:06:35 am PST

Sen. Franken and conservatives join forces to fight detainee language

Strange bedfellows on Capitol Hill, ranging from Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) to Rep. Jeff Landry (R-La.), are joining forces to change controversial detainee language that was signed into law by President Obama last month.

The bipartisan effort is a clear indication that the debate on the government’s power to detain suspected terrorists, including U.S. citizens, will continue into 2012.

“Any statute that could possibly be interpreted to allow a president to detain American citizens without charge or trial is incredibly alarming,” said Landry, a freshman lawmaker and member of the Tea Party Caucus who has introduced a bill in the House to clarify the law.