
Video: Barack Obama Mocks 'Grumpy Cat' Republicans

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/23/2015 8:22:25 pm PDT

re: #166 palomino

No, Trey Gowdy is an asshat. His constant drumbeat about Benghazi was clearly unnecessary, unsupported by facts, and meant merely to damage Hillary ahead of an election. Total asshattery.

Right, I’d never lump Gowdy in with the terrorists who did the attack (besides who the hell is doing that here anyhow? Strawmen away). Anyhow Gowdy’s problem is that his party just wants to get Hillary and they don’t care about the cost to the taxpayers. Tell you this much DF, we had fewer investigations after 9/11 when much more people died. Can you please attempt to explain to me why Benghazi needs more investigations than people who died in it but the defining event of my generation needed just two. I admit that’s a rhetorical question on my part because i know why and Kevin McCarthy was stupid enough to admit it.